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José Adauto de Souza

Geologist - 1977 - UFRRJ


System Analyst and Programmer

(Petrobras Internal training)


Geophysicist (MSc)

1987 - UFBA

          I graduate Geologist in UFRRJ in 1977. In 1976, as trainee,  I've spent 3 months in a Western Geophysical Seismic Land Crew (ES-39). My first and unique job was as Geophysicist at Petróleo Brasileiro SA, Petrobras. I start my career as researcher in Cenpes (Petrobras Research Center) in January/1978. First 3 years were dedicated fully to training, when I became trained Geophysicist and addicionally Mainframe System Analyst and Programmer. From 1981 to May/1982 I was Seismic Processing Geophysicist at Petrobras Headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. From 1982 to 1985 I was Seismic Processing Manager at Denor, a regional unit in Belém-PA. From 1985 to 1987 I became MSc in Geophysics at UFBA. Prof Cinna Lomnitz and Prof Dan Kosloff were my advisors in master thesis. From 1988 to 1990 I stayed as Seismic Processing Manager in Belém-PA and São Mateus-ES. São Mateus was the first Petrobras owned Seismic Processing Center outside Rio de Janeiro Headquarters. From 1990 to 1995 I went back to technical  career as Seismic Processing Geophysicist in Salvador-BA, working in special projects. In 1995 I migrated to Seismic Interpretation.
          At this time I've started developing Windows Computer Algorithms based on Microsoft/Compaq Visual Fortran to help in Seismic Interpretation. It never was my job, ever it was/is a hobby, because I like too much programming.
          As Seismic Interpreter I became very successful in oil findings, from 2002 to 2012: it was 19 oil discoveries in Campos Basin, as lead owner. Some of then became oil producers and some are waiting to be launched, depending upon production facilities. In 2005 I stayed as Technical Supervisor in Petrobras-UFOP Project  on Seismic Interpretation, focused in Campos Basin. Last 5 years (2008-2013) I've been working as Consultant. Last 7 years I was additionally involved in Project/Prospect evaluation to all Petrobras units: Headquarters, Regional units and International. I participated in many oil discoveries in this period: in Cuenca Austral (Argentina), Angola, Campos Basin, Santos Basin, Jequitinhonha Basin and Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Last five oil discoveries(2011-2012) in Sergipe- Alagoas basin were supported by Wavo algorithm, a new AVO methodology I've developed.
            In 2012-March/2013 period I've been working in a Mentoring Program, advising three Geophysicists in 3 different projects: AVO, Seismic to well correlation and Seismic Velocities.
          Talking about Windows tools, Wavo and Shaleind constitute a robust option to evaluate prospects and eliminate ambiguities. Many prospects  supported by other AVO Soft as positive DHI's resulted dry. AVO and Shaleind indicated these prospects as "no Hc indication", previous to drilling. In some cases it was previously pointed and drill proven the prospects as no reservoir. 
          Supported by own developed algorithms, I've done some Exploratory Block Evaluation in Brazil (offshore areas), Angola, Namíbia and Tanzânia.
To conclude, it must pointed out my expertises in Oil/Gas Industry:
      - Prospect Evaluation, very specialized in AVO.
      - Well Post Mortem
      - Exploratory Block evaluation (BID)
      - Consultant to Seismic Acquisition and Processing
      - Seismic to well correlation (very specialyzed)
      - Seismic velocities

      - Exploration to Production transition​

      - Farmin or Farmout evaluations​
          I've developed many Windows tools. At beginning, due to limitations in commercial offers in Brazil, I bought a TK2000​, a very limited house computer far away from technologies worldwide. It is a keyboard shape computer with an internal processor and video connection to TV. After I bought some desktops and currently a Notebook.  The source language used is Fortran, by using Intel Fortran Composer. Home page presents majority of these tools, many of then presented  at SBGf International Congresses. The tools are standalone, Windows based (Xpa, 7, 8), very fast and simple to be used. As an example, the Wavo tool only needs to be parameter defined in a text file. Saved the text file, Wavo runs immediately. If client wants to have the tool in a multiuser interface, the source module must be adapted or converted by the client. As an example, velocities tools were plugged in to Gocad (Paradigm) and adapted to Sigeo(Petrobras) packages.
          Also it is possible to accept orders to develop/adapt tools. Specific internal formats can be coded to achieve special needs.
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